Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Rum Creeters

I don't know if anyone besides Ryan (hi Ryan...hahaha) actually visits this place, but in case you just happened to stumble onto this little Xanadu paradise of YouTube video wonder, I thought you might like to know that my friends and I have a real blog on WordPress. And it seriously rocks.

I write every Wednesday, the delightful Erin Hoover writes every Thursday, the delectable Steven Wedekind writes every Friday, and the delicious Sara M. writes every Monday. Also, every Tuesday at The Rum Creeters is Mix Tape Tuesday, so one of us will be posting a mix of some great tunes for your listening pleasure.

So check out if you want to be assured that you will get a new and exciting post every weekday! This was our first week, so we don't have much to offer yet as far as quantity goes. But the quality will not be lacking. Because we're awesome. And, no, I'm not conceited.

In case you feared writing for The Rum Creeters meant I wouldn't keep posting videos here, you can put your worried mind to rest. Xanadu will be around as long as Blogger, YouTube, and I am. The internet is also an important prerequisite. Just know that I probably won't be updating this place unless I remember/find something so rock-awesome that I have to post it immediately. So, again, if it's consistency you want—The Rum Creeters is the place to go! Yes, I am super excited about our new blog. Did you even have to ask?

-The Management

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